A Love Letter to London


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London –

We know you are a fan of traditional, more refined way of doing things.

Let's face it, you love your traditions. Even your judges still wear wigs. A fashion statement? Perhaps. What's undeniable, however, is your unmatched sense of style and candour that would make even the brashest of East-Enders blush.

And in London Town, the air is always electric. Sure, the sky may be monochromatic grey, but there's more to you than a blanket of cloud. You swung in the sixties. You rocked the seventies. You set trends and birthed icons. And in between it all, you still managed to perfect the art of the queue.

We love this city - it's patchwork of neighbourhoods, all little villages unto themselves, who's narrow streets and cobbled lanes hold countless stories with the promise of always moving forwards.

But mostly London, we love you, all of you - the people of this great city. Sure, we may not always make eye contact on the tube, but you are our London Pride. And to say you were missed would be an understatement.

So, it's great to be back. We've missed you. And we can't wait to see you all again.

The #LondonEDITION

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